The US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP) manages research funding on behalf of the Department of the Army and the DoD Defense Health Program (DHP). This funding supports research at DoD laboratories and myriad extramural research organizations from small colleges to multi-national corporations in the development of innovative technology. The research products are directly applicable to today's military challenges and the anticipated problems of future operations in garrison, training and deployed environments.
There are multiple opportunities to fund medical research that will address gaps identified by the MOMRP.
Definition of Applicant Organizations
Applications may be submitted by extramural organizations and intramural Department of Defense (DoD) organizations, defined as follows:
Extramural Organization:
An eligible non-DoD organization. Examples of extramural organizations include academia, biotechnology companies, foundations, Government, and research institutes. Extramural Submission: Application submitted by a non-DoD organization to
Intramural DoD Organization:
A DoD laboratory, DoD Military Treatment Facility, and/or DoD activity embedded within a civilian medical center. Intramural Submission: Application submitted by a DoD organization for an intramural investigator who is a DoD military or civilian employee working within a DoD laboratory or Military Treatment Facility or in a DoD activity embedded within a civilian medical center.
Applications from an intramural DoD organization or from an extramural non-DoD Federal organization may be submitted through a research foundation.
Broad Agency Announcement (MRDC-BAA)
The United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive process to invite basic and applied research submissions. The BAA provides a general description of USAMRDC research and development programs, evaluation and selection criteria, and proposal/application preparation instructions. Research funded through the BAA is expected to benefit and inform both military and civilian medical practice and knowledge. The BAA is a continuously open announcement; pre-proposals may be submitted at any time throughout the 12-month period. You must be invited to submit a full proposal. To view the BAA posted by the USAMRDC, visit or
. All application materials must be submitted through the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) at
. To register, please go to:
Grants.Gov is your source to find and apply for federal grants. The US Department of Health and Human Services is the managing partner for this website. was established as a governmental resource named the E-Grants Initiative, part of the President's 2002 Fiscal Year Management Agenda to improve government services to the public. To search military grants, click on "Search Grants" from the tabs along the top of the page. Scroll down to "Agency" and choose "All Department of Defense [DOD]".
USAMRDC MOMRP E-List Registration
Register with our E-list service to receive notification of funding opportunities as they become available. Research area topics include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicide prevention, alcohol and other drug use, pain management, family separation and bereavement, resilience and recovery.
Contract Opportunities (formerly
Federal Business Opportunities ( has been moved to and is now known as Contract Opportunities. Organizations within the federal government publish notices on proposed contract actions valued at more than $25,000. These notices, or contract opportunities, cover announcements through official solicitations in the pre-award process. Anyone interested in doing business with the government can use this system to research active opportunities.
Defense Health Agency (DHA) Research, Development and Acquisition Directorate (RDA)
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Research, Development and Acquisition Directorate (RDA) mission is to implement best practices to responsibly design, prioritize and integrate medical research, development and acquisition programs across the continuum of care. By fostering strategic partnerships and transitioning medical discoveries to deployable products, RDA enhances the readiness and resilience of the military community.
Other Funding Opportunities
Small Business Innovation Research & Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)
Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC)
Funded Awards Information
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
DOD awarded technical reports
Federal RePORTER
DOD awards
NIH and VA awards
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
CDMRP funded awards
Military Suicide Research Consortium
Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Service Members (Army STARRS)
Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Service Members-Longitudinal Study (Army STARRS-LS)
Consortium to Alleviate PTSD (CAP)
Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS)
Annual awards